How to balance life and poker while grinding full-time?

How to balance life and poker while grinding full-time?

Poker has gained popularity over the last two decades. Online poker has made earning a living from poker easier. However, grinding poker full-time requires immense dedication and takes a toll on your personal life if you don’t strike the right balance.

Advantages of Playing Poker Full-Time

There are several advantages to playing poker full-time if you have the bankroll and skills for it. Ot allows you to be your boss and set your schedule. Unlike a 9 to 5 job, you grind online poker tournaments and cash games whenever you want. Top professional poker players easily make six figures or more per year through poker winnings and sponsorships. You get to enjoy the intellectual stimulation and competitive thrill that poker offers. Mastering poker strategy to beat your opponents is deeply satisfying. You get the flexibility to travel and live anywhere in the world. As long as you have your laptop and internet connection, you play poker from anywhere. Many professional poker players lead Nomadic lifestyles, traveling to major poker destinations like Las Vegas, Monaco, and Barcelona. This ability to work from anywhere in the world is a huge plus point.


However, you need to have exceptional discipline in managing your poker and bandarqq bankroll to survive the swings and variances of the game. Fixed buy-in tournaments and cash games require a dedicated poker bankroll that covers at least 50-100 buy-ins. You need to steadily build your bankroll over time and move up limits. This is how most aspiring poker pros go broke. Solid bankroll management also involves regularly withdrawing profits and keeping only an allotted amount for playing. Set a poker schedule and game selection criteria based on your skills. Learn poker strategy through training materials and videos. Play the game mathematically and psychologically.

Maintaining work/life balance

Keeping a work-life balance is challenging for poker grinders. Playing poker is an exciting profession where you meet fascinating, intelligent people. It’s easy to be consumed by poker and play longer hours than intended. However, it’s crucial to set a poker schedule and stick to it just like a regular work schedule. Designate fixed working hours for playing online poker just like you would do for a day job. Don’t just grind non-stop for 12 hours a day without breaks. Make sure to take short breaks every 45 minutes during your poker sessions to stand up, stretch, and rest your mind. Having set poker work hours enables you to ration your mental stamina over a day.

Beyond your designated working hours, log off and shut down your poker accounts. Don’t fall into the trap of “chasing losses” if you had a bad session. Walk away and come back refreshed tomorrow. Grinding any profession without breaks will lead to burnout. Take at least one or two vacations per year to travel and experience new places. Maintain an exercise routine as well to stay fit both physically and mentally. A healthy body helps sustain optimal poker performance.

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